

Request rules

***Impt note: I'm currently busy right now. I can't do the requests within this month. But I'm opening them first so that I can work on them after my exams and put them up in May. (: 

  1. I dislike bashing.
  2. You can always tell me which parts you are not satisfied and I'll try to improve on them. Please don't hurl abuses at my work.
  3. Sometimes when I'm in the mood I'm extremely productive but I may work like a snail at times. I hope you'll be patient with me. (:
  4. *Please credit me for the work.
  5. You'll always have the right in deciding which images or characters to be put into the poster. Just remember to provide working URLs
  6. When you pick up the completed works, please upload them into your own server. Hotlinking is not desired. Okay, it's not allowed.
  7. All links entered should be working. So should your email, so that I can inform you about any change, vice versa, or we can simply chat. (: 
  8. If you've read and understood and will abide by the rules, you can go on to fill in the form! 
Graphic request here.


One shots
  1. Similarly, I do not like bashing for my babies. Just tell me where I can improve. 
  2. Again, I need time to do these on top of my school assignments, please grant me the days. 
  3. *Please credit me for the work.
  4. Email address and links provided should be working. 
  5. I will post the one-shots on hann's miscellany or put them up on fan fiction sites like Winglin or Asianfanfiction. You can pick up from these sites. Alternatively, if you like your one-shot and would like to keep them in your computer (and man, I'll be really honored), you can request for them. (: 
  6. If you've read and understood and will abide by the rules, you can proceed to fill in the form! 
One-shot request here.

P.S. When the works are up, you'll be informed through the email address you provided. But it'll probably be faster if you check the updates here. 
And I do love you. :D